
James Street Weekly Lockdown meetings - During the Lockdown we shall be meeting using Zoom Sundays 10.00 am James Street Sunday Service 10:00 AM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 616 253 749 To join by phone audio: Find your local number: Tuesday Prayer 7.00 pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 796 2425 2352 Find your local number: […]
This Church is Open for Private prayer - The church will be open for prayer at the following times TUESDAYS 6.00PM-7.30PM THURSDAYS 10-11.30 SUNDAYS 10.30-11.30 PRAISE AND WORSHIP If you need help when self isolating you can contact us on 07873 311658 For food, medication or even just a chat etc. We dont want you to feel you are on your own during […]